When a unit had enough LDS members, a servicemen’s group was organized to conduct sacrament services and other Church meetings whenever possible. Occasionally conferences were held over a weekend and included devotionals, sacrament services, a testimony meeting, socials, banquets and dances. Attendance at conferences ranged from a few dozen to several hundred at the larger conferences held in Europe or in the States.

Circa 1943
“There were a number of us in the POW camp who were members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but there was not a Book
of Mormon among us. . . . We would meet in the evening once in a while to study from the Bible and have prayer. Oscar Ray and I sat out on the
sunny side of the barracks, and he taught me section 121:33-46 from the Doctrine and Covenants which he had memorized. He was quite a scriptorian.
” — Narrative of John O. Young